Monthly Archives: April 2015

It’s Earth Day, Hope You Do Something Green to Celebrate!

It’s Earth Day! Hope You Do Something Green to Celebrate- I am going for a walk in the forest.

  • Forests cover one third of the earth’s land and absorb massive amounts of carbon dioxide making them a major instrument in mitigating climate change.
  • They absorb airborne impurities and give off oxygen allowing us to breathe clean air.
  • Forests protect our watersheds and provide us with clean water.
  • They are home to the majority of the world’s terrestrial species, and many people around the world—1.6 billion according to the World Wildlife Fund—depend on forests for their livelihoods.

The wise use of the world’s forests is critical to our survival and a healthy environment.  Forests are vital in maintaining life as we know it.

paper and sustainable forestryWe are often led to believe that using paper is bad for the environment and that forest practices always lead to eroded lands and fewer trees—not so in North America!

As can be seen on the above Two Sides infographic:

  • Wood from well-managed forests is a sustainable resource that is renewable, recyclable and can be planted, grown, harvested and replanted.
  • Most paper is made using wood by-products (chips) from the lumber industry and recycled paper rather than whole trees which are typically used for lumber production.
  • Forests in the U.S and Canada grow significantly more wood than is harvested each year.

After my I walk in the forest, I am going to plant my American Plum tree that I got at a community Earth Day celebration last weekend. I hope you do something green to celebrate Earth Day too!